Back from Xmas travels
I'm finally back in Bensalem after a week of traveling for Christmas. It was a good time. I drove down to Baltimore on Christmas Eve and did
some hiking down at Patapsco. I met some family members at the pavilion there, and we got a fire going and cooked some hot dogs and marshmallows. Perfect WX - overcast and chilly but no rain. The hike back to the car was a little muddy, but that was just a minor blemish on an otherwise great outing. Christmas Day was spent visiting with the family, first a turkey dinner on my mom's side, then Chinese food with my dad's. I drove up to my brother's place on the 26th and stayed there until yesterday, which is also when my parents headed back home to Iowa. It was a very nice vacation. Got in some visiting, running, eating (a lot of that), and relaxing. And I'm still on vacation, so I look forward to catching up on some work that needs to be done around the apartment.
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