Jeff Rosenberg

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

JFK coming up soon

Only a few days left until the JFK, and I am looking forward to it! Of course, that is largely due to the fact that I'm not running this year. The race sold out within a month of opening registration back in July, and at that time I decided I was not comfortable signing up that early. I don't regret the decision, as I have a sore Achilles tendon, and it's nice not having to deal with the stress of putting my body through 50 miles.

I'll be going to the race as a spectator. My brother is flying in from California to run, so I'd like to join him for a few miles along the towpath. Should be a nice way to get in a run and also to keep him company. I know some other people who are running, too, so it will be nice to see them all cross the finish line in Williamsport. I know from experience what kind of effort is required to complete that course, so I can appreciate what each runner has gone through to get to the finish.