Jeff Rosenberg

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Morning running

We've been having a miserable heat wave here in Philly, with four days in a row of temps in the 90s. I attempted to run in the evening on Saturday and did not have a good time. I had to walk quite a few times before the end of the loop, and I emptied my water bottle long before the finish. I was completely drained. After that, I decided to switch over to morning running. So, this morning I was awoke at 4:30 and put in the miles before the sun came up. It was still in the 70s, but it makes a big difference to not have the sun beating down on you. The only downside is that I get to work later, which means I leave work later, which means traffic is worse both coming and going. But running under the sun in this type of heat is no longer an option for me.