No Picnic On Mount Kenya
I recently finished reading a very interesting book called No Picnic On Mount Kenya, written by Felice Benuzzi. It is the first-hand account of a unique escape from a POW c
amp. Benuzzi, an Italian, had been working in Ethiopia after the Italian invasion in the late 1930s. After WWII broke out and Britain liberated Ethiopia, the Italians who were there were taken prisoner. In the case of Benuzzi, he was put in a POW camp in Kenya. The conditions were not bad, but the boredom of life in captivity took its toll. Mount Kenya could be seen from the camp, and Benuzzi had the idea to escape, climb the mountain, and then return to camp. He recruited a couple of other prisoners to join him, and after months of planning and preparing, they took off. This book tells the story of their adventure. They were successful, of course, and they even managed to break back in to the camp after returning. It's a well-written tale and definitely gets my recommendation.

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