Good novel: The Plague
Currently I'm reading Albert Camus' The Plague, which I picked up at the library a few weeks ago. It is the story of an epidemic that sweeps the North African town
of Oran. Before any person got sick, rats emerged from the sewers and died in the streets. Folks in the town thought this was strange, but soon it stopped, presumably because all the rats were dead. Then the people started to die. It didn't take long for doctors to determine that it was the plague, and soon hundreds of people were dying each day. Oran is forcibly shut off from the outside world. Those who are inside are not allowed out, and those who are outside are not allowed in. The bulk of the novel tells how the people of Oran dealt with their unfortunate situation. Some have been separated from their loved ones. One man has committed a crime and is glad that the plague has taken attention away from him. Another plans a daring escape.I am not yet done reading The Plague, but I should finish in the next day or so. It is a fascinating account, and it gets my recommendation.
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