Jeff Rosenberg

Saturday, September 27, 2008

More Achilles problems

Earlier in the year I missed a couple of months of running due to pain in my Achilles tendon. I started up again in May, and since then the pain has been manageable. I've been icing it after all of my runs, and it hasn't caused me any discomfort when I'm just walking around. Until this past week. Tuesday morning it hurt pretty bad during my run. Then I felt it that day during work, which was definitely not a good sign. I ran again Wednesday morning and concluded that I needed to take some time off. I have no idea what prompted this injury, but I haven't run since then. Right now the Achilles feels pretty good, so I'm hoping to start up again in the middle of next week. I still plan to run the Baltimore half-marathon next month, so I really don't want to take a whole lot of time off. The next time I run, I think I'll go after work instead of in the morning. Seems to be a good time of year to make that transition. That should also give me the freedom to run long during the week. Previously my morning runs were limited to about 4 miles because I didn't want to be too late getting in to work. Now I won't have to worry about that.