Jeff Rosenberg

Sunday, November 20, 2005

JFK report

Yesterday was the big day -- the JFK 50 mile run. I am pleased to report that everything went well. I spent Friday night at a Super 8 in Hagerstown with my brother, my uncle, and my friend Brian. The race started at 7 AM, and Brian and I ran the entire first portion of paved road which leads to the Appalachian Trail. The rocks were treacherous, but we made it to the first aid station at Crampton's Gap by 8:33. I felt fine for the rest of the AT, and Brian and I rolled into Weverton at 10 AM. This was at mile 16. I picked up my water bottle from Brian's parents, who met us there, and I had a banana, and orange, and a sandwich. After that we crossed the railroad tracks and began the long C&O Canal towpath section of the course. We started with a generous run/walk mix and arrived at the aid station in Antietam at 12:40 PM. This was around mile 27, so by this point we were over halfway there. Once we made it to Shepherdstown at mile 30, we really started running long sections. We ran from mile 30 almost all the way to the mile 34 aid station. Same thing to Taylor's Landing at mile 38, where we arrived at 3:10 PM. We had passed my brother somewhere around mile 36. He told us that he had rolled his ankle numerous times on the rocks and thought he might have to walk it in. He ended up making a recovery and passed us again at the end of the towpath at mile 42. Brian and I exited the towpath before 4 PM. My goal was to break 11 hours, and at this point I knew I was in great shape to do it. The final 8 miles of road were torturous, but I survived and crossed the finish line at 5:45 PM, for a time of 10:45. My brother finished in 10:37, and Brian's time was 10:39. I am very pleased with my performance and look forward to putting myself through that torture again next year.