Jeff Rosenberg

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


On Friday, after a perfectly normal, uneventful 4-mile run, I noticed a slight resistance when trying to bend my right knee. The following morning I could tell there was some fluid in the knee, but there was no pain. So I decided to go ahead with my planned 7-mile run that afternoon. It went fine, and my knee didn't seem to suffer any adverse effects imediately afterward. Unfortunately, the swelling gradually continued until Monday, when it was about twice it's usual size. At that point, running was out of the question, as I could barely bend the knee just to walk. Since I don't remember ever hurting my knee, I figure I must have bursitis. I don't know what triggered it, but it is definitely not a pleasant condition. Fortunately, things started to improve yesterday, and the swelling has been going down since then. I hope to be back to normal within the next few days. However, I am a little concerned about starting to run again. I don't want to aggravate my knee. I guess I just have to start out slowly and hope for the best.