I cancelled my weekend travel plans due to the major snow storm that hit us yesterday. It did not last as long as the one back in December (it stopped snowing early in the afternoon), but it came down harder. I looked out the window when I woke up and decided, unfortunately, to skip my run. There simply was no place to go. The only clear area was the road that runs around my apartment complex, and every 10 minutes or so a plow would go by, so I didn't really want to be running there. I did go out in the afternoon and dig out my car. This morning I went out for a run and had to stick to the middle of the road. None of the sidewalks were clear. One advantage of running early in the morning is that there aren't very many cars out, although I did have to get out of the way of a few. Today is sunny, so I suspect a lot of this stuff will melt and be gone pretty soon.
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